Thursday, 8 September 2011

PS3 Fix - Yellow Light of Death

Yellow light of death (ylod) is a condition in which the PS3 becomes unresponsive and will not uključiti.Glavni symptom yellow light of death is the yellow light at the normal power svjetla.Žuto light of death (ylod) is very rare and affects very small number of PlayStation 3 owners, however, if you're one of those unfortunate there are some things you can do. 

Just like in anything else prevention is ključ.Žuto light of death was overheating problem is caused when circuits are becoming associated with the tile. Most of the tips to prevent overheating are common sense, however, few of them so I'll list them anyway.
• Make sure your PS3 has plenty of breathing room and is located in a well ventilated area.
• Make sure no heat sinks near your PS3, and PS3 is not near any other electronics, which put out much heat.
• Clean and dust around the PS3 and often, the twilight will not only clog up your PlayStation fans, but will also act as an insulator keeps the heat inside the PS3.
• Maintaining the PS3 in vertical position helps to share the heat faster.
• Take a break after playing for several hours, especially with a processor intensive game. 

Fixing the yellow light of death
So, now you're probably wondering: "What if I have the yellow light of death?". The answer is simple, you have three options.
1 Send a PlayStation 3 on Sony to pass to improve.
-This is a great option if your warranty has not expired yet, but if a couple of years and
no longer have to Warranty, Sony will force you to pay around $ 150.
2 Cut your losses and upgrades to Slim
-This is only a good choice if you only have an older version of the PS3 and have a good reason
, but most people, myself included can not justify buying a brand new PlayStation 3
3 Fix your PS3 yourself
-Many people think that this is indeed a daunting task, but in reality it is not too bad. There are many guides that provide on-line video and pictures to show you exactly how to fix your PS3 for a fraction of the cost. There are guides around $ 30, which contains a step-by-step video instructions on how to fix your PlayStation 3

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